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Emerald Ash Borer

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Chatham Tree Services

Preventing Emerald Ash Borer attack

Discovered in 2002 in southern Michigan and Windsor area. Adult beetles are metallic green, about 1/2″ long, and may be seen feeding on foilage from June to August. They attack all species of ash and kills healthy ash trees of any size or age. They are well suited to Ontarios’ climate. The adults can flly several kilometers. They are also spread by people through movement of firewood, nursery stock, trees, logs, lumber or wood with bark attached.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Tree canopy begins to die back in the upper third portion of the canopy
  • Dieback progresses until the tree is bare
  • Epicormic shoots (sprouts growing from roots and trunk)
  • Bark splitting (vertical cracks and galleries exposed under the bark)
  • Larval feeding galleries are typically serpentine and packed with frass (sawdust and excrement)
  • D-shaped exit holes formed by adults
  • Increased woodpecker activity creating large holes

Emerald Ash Borer Treatment

  • TreeAzinTM Systemic Insecticide is injected into the base of ash trees using the EcoJect® System
  • Treatments occur between mid May and early August
  • An injection hole is 13/64” in diameter, approximately 3/4” to 1” into the wood
  • Injection holes are approximately 6” apart 2 – 5 ml of TreeAzinTM Systemic Insecticide per cm tree diameter are injected into the tree
  • Adult female Emerald Ash Borer beetles that feed on trees treated with TreeAzinTM Systemic Insecticide lay mostly sterile eggs, thus reducing populations
  • Emerald Ash Borer larvae that consume tree tissues treated with TreeAzinTM Systemic Insecticide die in approximately 95% of cases
  • Research in the Windsor area indicates injections every second year should keep trees alive through an outbreak
  • Once Emerald Ash Borer populations decline, occasional injections may be recommended
  • Preventing Emerald Ash Borer attack is less costly (lower dose) and increases the likelihood of trees surviving an outbreak
  • Attacked trees can be protected if the damage is not too severe (<30% crown dieback)
  • Treatments should be considered every second year unless the tree is already under attack, stressed, or high beetle populations are expected